
We value and respect your Privacy. This Jester Global Privacy Policy describes the information collected by Jester Global and how we use and protect this information. Our Privacy Policy practices are consistent with the Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008 and the adoption of amendments as and when notified subject to its applicability.

Terms of Use
Your use of this portal is also subject to the Terms of Use posted on this web portal.
Information Covered by this Privacy Policy This Privacy Statement applies to personal information collected by Jester Global.
Personal information is information related to an individual or a combination of pieces of information that could reasonably allow an individual to be identified. Personal information may include full name, contact numbers, residential address, email address, gender or date of birth. While information such as date of birth in isolation may not be enough to identify an individual uniquely, a combination of full name and date of birth may be sufficient to do so. Sensitive personal information is such personal information that is collected, received, stored, transmitted or processed by Jester Global, consisting of:
User details as provided at the time of registration or thereafter;
Financial information such as Bank account or credit card or debit card or other payment instrument details;
Call data records;
Physical, physiological and mental health conditions;
Sexual orientation;
Medical records and history;
Biometric information; Any detail relating to the above personal information categories as provided to Jester Global for providing service; and Any of the information received under the above personal information categories by Jester Global for processing, stored or processed under lawful contract or otherwise. The ownership of the sensitive personal information collected in this portal lies with the individual collecting the information.

Information We Collect

We may collect personal information on this online portal voluntarily submitted by the user, including information we collect while performing business transactions and information we collect from other sources (as permitted by law). The following are examples of information we may collect directly:
Name, email address, postal address
Username and password
Phone number or mobile number
Photo identity
proof Date of birth
Demographic information and service history
Payment instrument details (such as credit card information, credit history, and security codes)
Future communication preferences
How We Use This Information
Personal information collected from data subjects listed in this portal will only be kept in order to conduct the required business, and for as long as the requirement was deemed at the time of data collection. The information collected may be used for the following activities: Create and manage information for master maintenance Process payment for purchases or other services Protect against or identify possible fraudulent transactions Enforce the terms and conditions of agreements, and otherwise lawfully manage our business. Access to Information by Relevant Persons All personal information must be accurate, complete, and relevant for the business purposes of collection of such information, and necessary only to facilitate those purposes. Your access to and use of this web portal and its contents (the “Portal”) is subject to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy, and all applicable laws. By accessing and using this Portal, you (the “User” or “you”) accept and agree to these without any limitation or qualification.

Information Sharing

We share personal information within Jester Global, and externally only as described below: Third-party service providers – We rely on third-party service providers to perform various services on our behalf. In order to perform these services, we may need to share personal information with them. Legal action and obligations – We may disclose personal information: Where permitted by law, to protect and defend the rights and property of Jester Global (including enforcement of valid agreements). When required by law or public authorities.

Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns regarding Jester Global’s privacy practices, please contact the Grievance Officer. The Grievance Officer shall respond to valid information requests and complaints within the statutory timeframe. In accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and the rules made there under, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below:
Grievance Officer Name: Mr Pratik Sethia
Company Address: Jester Global,102, Bhagwati Darshan, Bhatar, surat – 395007, Gujarat, India.
Email address: [email protected].
Contact telephone number:+91 9904001599

Information Security

We are committed to keeping personal information secure. We limit access to personal information only to those who have a business need. We keep personal information only for the duration of valid business requirements or as required by law.

Changes to our Privacy

Notice We will post changes to this privacy notice and update the effective date when this Privacy Policy is updated. We may modify this Privacy Policy at any time, in our sole discretion and all modifications will be effective immediately upon our posting of the modifications.


I acknowledge and agree to the terms contained in this data privacy notice, which shall be effective for the entire duration of my relationship with Jester Global as a user of this online portal and until bamboosahihai retains records of the captured personal information as specified above.