Coordinator, BTSG -KFRI,
KFRI Peechi - 680 653, Thrissur. Kerala
Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI) is a multidisciplinary team of experts conducting research on tropical forests and forestry. This Institute has contributed significantly to research in tropical forestry and biodiversity conservation over the past three decades of its existence. Founded in 1975, Institute is envisioned as a Centre of Excellence in Tropical Forestry to provide scientific support for decision making on matters related to forestry, with particular emphasis on conservation, sustainable utilization and scientific management of natural resources. KFRI became a part of the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) along with five other R&D Centres of the State, when the KSCSTE was constituted in 2002.
KFRI has 32 highly qualified scientific staff and about 44 supporting and administrative staff. The man power is organized in to 17 Research Departments which are grouped as nine Programme Divisions so that the research activities converge to contribute to the Vision of KFRI.
We undertake research and consultancy programmes for national and international agencies on the issues relating to biological conservation and management of natural resources. KFRI has about fifty scientists supported by a strong team of skilled and qualified man power in various areas including documentation, accounting, administration, engineering etc. Institute is accredited as research centre of the FRI University Dehradun, University of Calicut and Cochin University of Science and Technology for enrolling students for research programme leading to award of PhD Degree.
Institute has well maintained state of the art instrumentation centre besides specialised laboratories for research in Tissue-culture, Clonal Multiplication, Physiology, Wildlife Biology, Soil Science, Biotechnology, Wood Sciences, Biochemistry, Mycology, Entomology, Silviculture, GIS and RS
Our facilities for plant propagation includes Forest Seed Centre (KFSC), Nurseries, Green House, Mist chamber etc. Apart from this KFRI maintains facilities for long-term monitoring of environmental process such as Permanent plots and Weather Stations. "Tree Health Helpline" offers free consultation for most of the issues relating to tree crops launched by the institute has become popular among various stakeholders.
Secretariats of the international networks funded by Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations- namely TEAKNET is housed in KFRI.
Institute staff over the period of three decades of their field visits to remote forest localities across India has accumulated impressive collections of plant and animal specimens, and pedological samples which are organised as: Arboretum, Bambusetum, Cane and Palmetum, Herbarium, Medicinal Plants, Orchidarium, Soil museum, Xylarium, Wildlife Museum, Teak Museum. The Guided Nature Trails and Thematic Displays on forestry and environment with the extension and training division deserve special mention.
Coordinator, BTSG -KFRI,
KFRI Peechi - 680 653, Thrissur. Kerala
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