Ar. Neelam Manjunath is an architect, author, planner, scientist, activist, and theoretician. She has been practicing since 1991. Her architecture is distinguished for sustainability with a special emphasis on Bamboo. Her work has been published widely and presented in several national and international forums. She is on several technical committees on Sustainability and Bamboo. She is the CEO, CGBMT, Bangalore, doing R&D, applications, and training on Bamboo since 1999.
She has delivered close to 175 lectures, and paper presentations, conducted close to 75 hands-on skilling national and international workshops, projects and works have been published in over 20 countries in more than 10 languages conducted and participated in several exhibitions both in India and abroad including the prestigious International Architectural Venice Biennale 2016; and is running structured courses on bamboo from 2011 for various levels from Certificate to PG programs.
She has won several National and International nominations, awards, and honors for her works with Bamboo, sustainability and design.
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