Aranya Bhawan, Chandrasekharpur
Odisha, India
Bamboo occurs in large tracts of forests of Odisha except for the district of Mayurbhanj, Keonhar and Nawarangpur. It occupies about 13.950 Sq.Kms. of forests as an associate of sal, teak and miscellaneous crop. In general D.strictus occurs on the hill slopes where as Bambusa bambos occupies the moist area and nala banks. For ages together forest bamboo in Odisha was managed and exploited to meet the raw material requirements of the paper mills. Longterm leases were granted to the paper mills till 1st October 1988, when the forest bamboo was nationalized to be harvested and marketed by the state and its Agency. Even after that, 98 percent of bamboo, extracted from the state forests, were supplied to paper mills. Due to sole dependency on the paper mills, the state has to face a marketing problem in 2001. One of the major consumers, the Orient Paper Mills was closed down and for other paper mills, the sale price fixed by the Govt. was uneconomic. Such a situation virtually stopped the exploitation of bamboo for three years, as the agency was not tuned to market the bamboo other-wise. The delay in revision of management plans (Forest Working plans) for a number of Forest Divisions also added to the problem of harvesting bamboo from forests.
Odisha Bamboo Development Agency has been set up by Government of Odisha in Forest Department. This is headed by the State Mission Director and looks after integrated development of Bamboo sector. It is also implementing the programme of NBM . Keeping in view of withdrawal of food support from UNWFP, Project Director, WFP has been entrusted with work of State Mission Director, OBDA and Government has ordered to utilize the budget & staff of WFP for Bamboo development programme vide No.18973 dt. 3rd Dec 2007. The programmes are implemented through DFOs in forest area and District Bamboo Development Agency (DBDAs)/ OBDA field units in non-forest area. A State Bamboo Steering Committee (SBSC) has been constituted under Chairmanship of Principal Secretary, Forest and Environment Department. Presently no field units exists due to shortage of staff in the department.
Mission Objectives
To promote the growth of the bamboo sector through an area based regionally differentiated strategy;
To increase the coverage of area under bamboo in potential areas, with suitable species to enhance yields;
To promote marketing of bamboo and bamboo-based products
To establish convergence and synergy among stakeholders of bamboo sector
To promote setting up bamboo based industries
To promote, develop and disseminate technologies through a seamless blend of traditional wisdom and modern scientific knowledge.
To generate employment opportunities for skilled and unskilled persons, especially unemployed youths.
Adopt a coordinated approach covering production and marketing to assure appropriate returns to growers / producers.
Promote Research and Development (R&D) of genetic superior clones of suitable species and technologies for enhanced production.
Enhance acreage (in forest and non-forest areas) and productivity of bamboo through species ,change and improved silvicultural practices.
Up grade the skills of artisans,
Promote environment for setting up bamboo based industries.
Promote partnership, convergence and synergy among R &B and marketing agencies in public as well as private sectors, at all levels.
Promote where appropriate, cooperatives and self-help groups to ensure support and adequate returns to farmers and artisans.
Facilitate capacity building and Human Resource Development.
At State level there is State Bamboo Steering Committee (SBSC) headed by Principal Secretary, Forest & Environment Department. It consists of Secretary of different Departments. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Odisha; Managing Director, Odisha Forest Development Corporation; Director, Handicrafts and Cottage Industries and others as member. State Mission Director of Odisha Bamboo Development Agency is Member Secretary. Its function is to approve the Action Plan & Monitor the progress of Bamboo Sector Development Programme.
Aranya Bhawan, Chandrasekharpur
Odisha, India
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