Our work addresses human, community and ecological needs through eco-education, advocacy, research and development and on-the-ground work community engagements. CGBMT involves all stakeholders to ensure long-term tranformational benefits.
In 2004, there was a severe dearth of two things: data and skilling. There were no people available in the industry to build/advocate for sustainable technologies such as rainwater harvesting, waste management, water recycling, etc. nor people on the ground to do the work. Also, when sustainability was brought up and people were asked to practice sustainable living, they didn’t know how to do so or where to get the data for it. So, we started with workshops on sustainability, going to colleges, and government organizations for talks, print media going wherever an opportunity was provided to spread the word. Around then, a Tsunami happened, and looking at the destruction and suffering of humankind, that was a pivotal moment where our founder Neelam Manjunath decided to go all in and also move into on-ground skilling in addition to existing advocacy methods.
The Centre for Green Building Materials and Technology was established in 2004 as a trust under the Societies Act, under section 12A of the Income Tax Act 1961, to bring Sustainable building technologies into the mainstream building sector. Operating as a sister organization of Manasaram Architects and supported by Aditi Constructions & Aditigreenscapes, the trust was started as a response to the dearth of awareness, trained personnel, and sufficient data in the field of Sustainable building materials and technologies.
Since its inception, CGBMT has worked towards the promotion of Environment-friendly solutions for a Sustainable way of living through various fields of research and development locally, nationally, and internationally.
Our Mission
Our mission is to promote and provide green, i.e., environment-friendly, low-energy, and cost-effective solutions for ecological living, through R&D, sourcing, networking, and execution - To promote a sustainable way of living in harmony with nature.
Our Goals
To serve for the advancement of education for Sustainability sector Eco-friendly and cost-effective Building Materials, services and releated Technologies.
To act as a resource bank of information on Sustainable Building Materials and Related Technologies by providing technical advice, expert guidance, and know-how.
To promote and source Research and Development activities pertaining to this sector.
To organize Training programs for various levels of participation and also act as a forum for seminars, exhibitions, workshops, orientation & awareness programs, demonstrations, etc. to help realize the relevance and importance of these technologies in shaping today‘s world.
To reach out and spread this knowledge by preparing and publishing informative literature through newspapers, periodicals, and other mediums of mass communication.
To establish and maintain a network of similar societies, agencies, NGOs, etc. in India and abroad for knowledge sharing on the subject.
To help in the execution of projects involving Sustainable solutions for holistic Habitat development.
To promote simple, eco-friendly, local ideas and products for day-to-day use, for a sustainable way of life.
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